gnuplot demo script: fontfile.dem

gnuplot version gnuplot 3.8k patchlevel 0
# $Id: fontfile.dem,v 1.4 2003/10/28 05:35:54 sfeam Exp $
# This file demonstrates new features in gnuplot 3.8i
# -1- loading fontfiles for postscript output
print "\n This file demonstrates how to use postscript type 1 font"
print " files with gnuplot."
print "\n Please note that this demo runs only on postscript terminal,"
print " because fontfile inclusion is only supported by this terminal."
print "\n In addition, this demo needs two font files which are not"
print " included in the gnuplot distribution."
print " On systems with ghostscript they should be found automatically."
print " If not, they can be downloaded from the net:"
print ""
print " Please put the files \"p052003l.pfb\" and \"p052023l.pfb\""
print " somewhere they are found, e.g. into the working directory."
set terminal push
set terminal postscript enhanced linewidth 2 'Times-Roman' 22 \
    fontfile 'p052003l.pfb' fontfile 'p052023l.pfb'
set output ''
unset autoscale
set xr [xmin:xmax]
set yr [ymin:ymax]
set encoding iso_8859_1
set format y '%.1f'
set label 'Times-Roman: {/Times-Roman abcdefghABCDEFGH äöüß}' at graph 0.05,0.6 left
set label 'URWPalladioL-Roma: {/URWPalladioL-Roma abcdefghABCDEFGH äöüß}' at graph 0.05,0.5 left
set label 'URWPalladioL-Ital: {/URWPalladioL-Ital abcdefghABCDEFGH äöüß}' at graph 0.05,0.4 left
set xlabel '{/URWPalladioL-Ital x} / °'
set ylabel '{/URWPalladioL-Ital y}'
plot sin(pi/180.*x) title '{/URWPalladioL-Ital y} = sin {/URWPalladioL-Ital x}'
print "\n Now have a look at the file"
set output
set terminal pop
