gnuplot demo script: layout.dem

autogenerated by on Tue Mar 6 11:36:30 2007
gnuplot version gnuplot 4.3 patchlevel CVS-14Feb2007
# Gnuplot version 4.1 demo of multiplot
# auto-layout capability
set multiplot layout 3, 1 title "Multiplot layout 3, 1"
set title "Plot 1"
plot sin(x)/x
set title "Plot 2"
plot 'silver.dat' using 1:2 ti 'silver.dat'
set style histogram columns
set style fill solid
set key autotitle column
set boxwidth 0.8
set format y "    "
set tics scale 0
set title "Plot 3"
plot 'immigration.dat' using 2 with histograms, \
     '' using 7  with histograms , \
     '' using 8  with histograms , \
     '' using 11 with histograms 
unset multiplot

Click here for minimal script to generate this plot

set multiplot layout 1,3 title "Multiplot layout 1, 3"
set xtics rotate
set bmargin 5
set title "Plot 1"
plot sin(x)/x
set title "Plot 2"
plot 'silver.dat' using 1:2 ti 'silver.dat'
set title "Plot 3"
set style histogram columns
set style fill solid
set key autotitle column
set boxwidth 0.8
set format y "    "
set tics scale 0
plot 'immigration.dat' using 2 with histograms , \
     '' using  7 with histograms , \
     '' using  8 with histograms , \
     '' using 11 with histograms 
unset multiplot

Click here for minimal script to generate this plot

set multiplot layout 1,3 title "Same plot with a multi-line title\nshowing adjustment of plot area\n to accommodate it"
set xtics rotate
set bmargin 5
set title "Plot 1"
plot sin(x)/x
set title "Plot 2"
plot 'silver.dat' using 1:2 ti 'silver.dat'
set title "Plot 3"
set style histogram columns
set style fill solid
set key autotitle column
set boxwidth 0.8
set format y "    "
set tics scale 0
plot 'immigration.dat' using 2 with histograms , \
     '' using  7 with histograms , \
     '' using  8 with histograms , \
     '' using 11 with histograms 
unset multiplot

Click here for minimal script to generate this plot
