set border {<integer>} {front | back} {linewidth | lw <line_width>} {{linestyle | ls <line_style>} | {linetype | lt <line_type>}} unset border show border
With a splot displayed in an arbitrary orientation, like set view 56,103, the four corners of the x-y plane can be referred to as "front", "back", "left" and "right". A similar set of four corners exist for the top surface, of course. Thus the border connecting, say, the back and right corners of the x-y plane is the "bottom right back" border, and the border connecting the top and bottom front corners is the "front vertical". (This nomenclature is defined solely to allow the reader to figure out the table that follows.)
The borders are encoded in a 12-bit integer: the bottom four bits control the border for plot and the sides of the base for splot; the next four bits control the verticals in splot; the top four bits control the edges on top of the splot. In detail, 5#5integer6#6 should be the sum of the appropriate entries from the following table:
Graph Border Encoding | ||
Bit | plot | splot |
1 | bottom | bottom left front |
2 | left | bottom left back |
4 | top | bottom right front |
8 | right | bottom right back |
16 | no effect | left vertical |
32 | no effect | back vertical |
64 | no effect | right vertical |
128 | no effect | front vertical |
256 | no effect | top left back |
512 | no effect | top right back |
1024 | no effect | top left front |
2048 | no effect | top right front |
Various bits or combinations of bits may be added together in the command.
The default is 31, which is all four sides for plot, and base and z axis for splot.
In 2D plots the border is normally drawn on top of all plots elements (front). If you want the border to be drawn behind the plot elements, use set border back.
Using the optional 5#5line_style6#6, 5#5line_type6#6 and 5#5line_width6#6 specifiers, the way the border lines are drawn can be influenced (limited by what the current terminal driver supports).
For plot, tics may be drawn on edges other than bottom and left by enabling
the second axes - see set xtics (p. ) for details.
If a splot draws only on the base, as is the case with "unset surface; set contour base", then the verticals and the top are not drawn even if they are specified.
The set grid options 'back', 'front' and 'layerdefault' also control the order in which the border lines are drawn with respect to the output of the plotted data.
Draw default borders:
set border
Draw only the left and bottom (plot) or both front and back bottom left
(splot) borders:
set border 3
Draw a complete box around a splot:
set border 4095
Draw a topless box around a splot, omitting the front vertical:
set border 127+256+512 # or set border 1023-128
Draw only the top and right borders for a plot and label them as axes:
unset xtics; unset ytics; set x2tics; set y2tics; set border 12