| #
# Show how variable color can be used to histogram categorical data even
# when the data sources are not completely parallel. Each data file
# (datablock in this demo) contains a column with a category identifier
# and a column with the data value contributing to the histogram.
# However not all categories are present in each file, so they are not
# parallel in that the Nth line of two files may or may not belong to
# the same category.
# Therefore gnuplot's automatic color assignment would fail.
# Instead we use the category identifier to assign colors.
$Set1 << EOD
A 15
B 21
C 12
D 9
G 15
L 12
$Set2 << EOD
B 14
C 12
D 16
E 8
G 14
H 19
I 20
$Set3 << EOD
D 13
E 7
F 14
G 11
H 15
I 4
L 11
unset border
set tics nomirror
unset ytics
set boxwidth 0.8
set key lmargin maxcol 1 invert
set key width 2 offset 2, 0
set key title " Category "
# Set up a range of 12 defined linetype colors
set for [i=1:8] linetype 100+i lc i # copy the default 8 colors
set linetype 109 lc "gray50" # then add a few more
set linetype 110 lc "white"
set linetype 111 lc "orchid"
set linetype 112 lc "seagreen"
color(category) = 100 + strstrt(alphabet, category)
set style data histogram
set style histogram columns
set style fill solid border lc "black"
set title "Column-stacked histogram colored by data category"
plot for [data in "$Set1 $Set2 $Set3"] \
data using 2:(color(strcol(1))) lc variable title data, \
for [i=1:12] keyentry with boxes lc color(alphabet[i:i]) title alphabet[i:i]
Click here for minimal script to generate this plot