![]() | # # Combine dot/dash, linecolor, and arrowstyle demos into a single file. # Demonstrate explicit choice of both dot/dash pattern (linetype) # and color (linecolor). # set termoption dash set xrange [-0.5:3.5] set yrange [-1:1.4] set bmargin 7 unset ytics unset xtics # set title "Independent colors and dot/dash styles" unset colorbox # # reset linetypes to base dash patterns # set for [i=1:5] linetype i dt i # # define line styles using explicit rgbcolor names # set style line 1 lt 2 lc rgb "red" lw 3 set style line 2 lt 2 lc rgb "orange" lw 2 set style line 3 lt 2 lc rgb "yellow" lw 3 set style line 4 lt 2 lc rgb "green" lw 2 # set label 1 'set style line 1 lt 2 lc rgb "red" lw 3' at -0.4, -0.25 tc rgb "red" set label 2 'set style line 2 lt 2 lc rgb "orange" lw 2' at -0.4, -0.35 tc rgb "orange" set label 3 'set style line 3 lt 2 lc rgb "yellow" lw 3' at -0.4, -0.45 tc rgb "yellow" set label 4 'set style line 4 lt 2 lc rgb "green" lw 2' at -0.4, -0.55 tc rgb "green" set label 5 'plot ... lt 1 lc 3 ' at -0.4, -0.65 tc lt 3 set label 6 'plot ... lt 3 lc 3 ' at -0.4, -0.75 tc lt 3 set label 7 'plot ... lt 5 lc 3 ' at -0.4, -0.85 tc lt 3 # set xlabel "You will only see dashed lines if your current terminal setting permits it" # show style line # # draw some plots # plot cos(x) ls 1 title 'ls 1', \ cos(x-.2) ls 2 title 'ls 2',\ cos(x-.4) ls 3 title 'ls 3',\ cos(x-.6) ls 4 title 'ls 4', \ cos(x-.8) lt 1 lc 3 title 'lt 1 lc 3', \ cos(x-1.) lt 3 lc 3 title 'lt 3 lc 3', \ cos(x-1.2) lt 5 lc 3 title 'lt 5 lc 3' # |
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unset for [i=1:8] label i set title "The pointinterval property is another way to create interrupted lines" set xlabel "This technique works best for equally spaced data points" set bmargin 6 set offset .05, .05 set xrange [-0.5:3.3] set style func linespoints plot cos(x) lt -1 pi -4 pt 6 title 'pi -4', \ cos(x-.8) lt -1 pi -3 pt 7 ps 0.2 title 'pi -3 pt 7 ps 0.2', \ cos(x-.2) lt -1 pi -6 pt 7 title 'pi -6',\ cos(x-.4) lt -1 pi -3 pt 4 title 'pi -3',\ cos(x-.6) lt -1 pi -5 pt 5 title 'pi -5', \ cos(x-1.) with line lt -1 notitle, \ cos(x+.2) with line lt -1 lw 2 title 'lw 2' # |
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set title "The pointinterval property also works with character point symbols" set style data linespoints set pointintervalbox 1.5 unset xlabel myencoding = GPVAL_ENCODING set encoding utf8 plot '+' using 1:(cos(x-1.)) with line lt -1 lw 1 title 'lw 1', \ '+' using 1:(cos(x)) lt -1 pi -4 pt "C" title 'pi -4', \ '+' using 1:(cos(x-.8)) lt -1 pi -3 pt "D" title 'pi -3 pt "D"', \ '+' using 1:(cos(x-.2)) lt -1 pi -6 pt "✠" tc rgb "blue" title 'pi -6 tc rgb "blue"',\ '+' using 1:(cos(x-.4)) lt -1 pi -3 pt "✲" title 'pi -3',\ '+' using 1:(cos(x-.6)) lt nodraw pi 5 pt "☺" title 'lt nodraw pi 5', \ '+' using 1:(cos(x+.2)) with line lt -1 lw 2 title 'lw 2' # |
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set title "The pointnumber property is similar, but limits the total number of points" set style data linespoints set pointintervalbox 1.5 unset xlabel myencoding = GPVAL_ENCODING set encoding utf8 plot '+' using 1:(cos(x-1.)) with line lt -1 lc "blue" lw 2 title 'lines only', \ '+' using 1:(cos(x-.8)) lt -1 pt 6 title 'linespoints default',\ '+' using 1:(cos(x-.6)) lt -1 pn -32 pt "✲" title 'pn 32',\ '+' using 1:(cos(x-.4)) lt -1 pn -8 pt "D" title 'pn 8', \ '+' using 1:(cos(x-.2)) lt -1 pn -4 pt "C" title 'pn 4' |
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set encoding myencoding set xrange [-1000:1000] set yrange [-178:86] set tics scale 0 set style line 1 lt 1 lw 2 set style line 2 lt 1 lc rgb "skyblue" lw 2 set style arrow 1 head filled size screen 0.025,30,45 ls 1 set style arrow 2 head nofilled size screen 0.03,15 ls 2 set style arrow 3 head filled size screen 0.03,15,45 ls 1 set style arrow 4 head filled size screen 0.03,15 ls 2 set style arrow 5 heads filled size screen 0.03,15,135 ls 1 set style arrow 6 head empty size screen 0.03,15,135 ls 2 set style arrow 7 nohead ls 1 set style arrow 8 heads size screen 0.008,90 ls 2 print ' We have defined the following arrowstyles:' show style arrow set arrow from -500,-100 rto 1000, 0 as 1 set arrow from -500,-110 rto 1000, 0 as 2 set arrow from -500,-120 rto 1000, 0 as 3 set arrow from -500,-130 rto 1000, 0 as 4 set arrow from -500,-140 rto 1000, 0 as 5 set arrow from -500,-150 rto 1000, 0 as 6 set arrow from -500,-160 rto 1000, 0 as 7 set arrow from -500,-170 rto 1000, 0 as 8 set label 'arrowstyle 1:' at -520,-100 right set label 'arrowstyle 2:' at -520,-110 right set label 'arrowstyle 3:' at -520,-120 right set label 'arrowstyle 4:' at -520,-130 right set label 'arrowstyle 5:' at -520,-140 right set label 'arrowstyle 6:' at -520,-150 right set label 'arrowstyle 7:' at -520,-160 right set label 'arrowstyle 8:' at -520,-170 right set title 'Top: plot with vectors arrowstyle 1, Bottom: explicit arrows' plot 'arrowstyle.dat' using 1:2:(0):3 notitle with vectors arrowstyle 3 |
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