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gnuplot demo script: sampling.dem

autogenerated by on Fri Dec 20 14:47:42 2024
gnuplot version gnuplot 6.0 patchlevel 2
# 18 Aug 2017
# Each of these plot commands failed on some version between 5.0 and 5.3.
# I collect them here to use as unit tests for continued success
# of the code added to repair breakage.
# Usage:  call 'sampling.dem' <testno>

set urange [1:100]
set vrange [1:100]
set xrange [1:100]
set key opaque box
set style data line

if (ARGC < 1) ARG1 = 0

set trange [20:50]

if (ARG1 <= 1) {
    print "test 1: explicit trange distinct from xrange"
    plot '+' using 1:(10. + sin($1)) title "trange [20:50]"

Click here for minimal script to generate this plot


if (ARG1 <= 2) {
    print "test 2: range set by 'sample' keyword, linear x axis"
    plot sample [t=20:50] '+' using (t):(10. + sin(t))

Click here for minimal script to generate this plot


set log x

if (ARG1 <= 3) {
    print "test 3: range set by 'sample' keyword, logscale x axis"
    plot sample [t=20:50] '+' using (t):(10. + sin(t))

Click here for minimal script to generate this plot


unset log

if (ARG1 <= 4) {
    print "test 4: splot '++' with autoscaled y (linear xy)"
    splot '++' using 1:2:($1*$2)

Click here for minimal script to generate this plot


set log xy

if (ARG1 <= 5) {
    print "test 5: splot '++' with autoscaled y (logscale xy)"
    splot '++' using 1:2:($1*$2)

Click here for minimal script to generate this plot


unset log

if (ARG1 <= 6) {
    print "test 6: plot '++' with image (linear xy)"
    plot '++' using 1:2:($1*$2) with image

Click here for minimal script to generate this plot


set log xy

if (ARG1 <= 7) {
    print "test 7: plot '++' with image (logscale xy)"
    plot '++' using 1:2:($1*$2) with image

Click here for minimal script to generate this plot


#  piecewise functions along nonlinear x axis
unset border
set key center top reverse Left
set xzeroaxis
set yzeroaxis
set xtics axis out scale 1,8
set xtics add  (1.00000 1, 6.28319 1)
set ytics axis
set xrange [ .1 : 12 ] noreverse nowriteback

if (ARG1 <= 8) {
    print "test 8: multiple sampling ranges in one 2D plot command"
    set multiplot layout 2,1
    set title "Piecewise function sampling along linear x" font ",13"
    plot sample [*:1] x, [1:2.*pi] cos(x), [2.*pi:10] (x-8)**2
    set nonlinear x via x inv x
    set title "nonlinear (identity mapped) x" font ",13"
    plot sample [*:1] x, [1:2.*pi] cos(x), [2.*pi:10] (x-8)**2
    unset multiplot

Click here for minimal script to generate this plot


set xrange [1:100]
set yrange [1:100]
set urange [0:100]
set vrange [70:90]
set style data lines
set xyplane at 0

set hidden3d
set title "3D sampling range distinct from plot x/y range"
print "test 9: 3D sampling range distinct from plot x/y range"

splot '++' using 1:2:($1*25.*sin($2/10)), \
      [u=30:70][v=0:50] '++' using 1:2:(u*v), \
      [u=40:80][v=30:60] '++' using (u):(v):(u*sqrt(v)) lt 4, \
      [u=1:100][v=500:1000] '++' using (90):(u):(v) lt 6

Click here for minimal script to generate this plot

unset key
set view map
set xrange [ 20:100 ]
set yrange [ 0:80 ]
set size ratio 1.0
radius(x,y) = 10 * sqrt((x-50)**2 + (y-50)**2)
alpha(x,y) = radius(x,y) > 255 ? 0 : 255-radius(x,y)
set title "3D custom sampling on u and v using pseudofile '++'"
print "test 10: splot '++' with explicit sampling intervals"

splot sample [u=25:75:1][v=25:75:4] '++' \
      using 1:2:0:(u*4-50):(v*4-50):(255*sin(u*v/2500.)):(alpha(u,v)) with rgbalpha, \
      [u=25:75:4][v=25:75:1] '++' \
      using (u+20):(v-20):0:(u*4-50):(v*4-50):(255*sin(u*v/2500.)):(alpha(u,v)) with rgbalpha

Click here for minimal script to generate this plot

set title "2D custom sampling on u and v using pseudofile '++'"
print "test 10: plot '++' with explicit sampling intervals"

plot sample [u=25:75:1][v=25:75:4] '++' \
      using 1:2:(u*4-50):(v*4-50):(255*sin(u*v/2500.)):(alpha(u,v)) with rgbalpha, \
      [u=25:75:4][v=25:75:1] '++' \
      using (u+20):(v-20):(u*4-50):(v*4-50):(255*sin(u*v/2500.)):(alpha(u,v)) with rgbalpha

Click here for minimal script to generate this plot