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gnuplot demo script: stats.dem

autogenerated by on Fri Dec 20 14:47:55 2024
gnuplot version gnuplot 6.0 patchlevel 2
# Exercise the "stats" command.
# Skip this demo cleanly if the stats option was not configured.
    print "No support for stats command"
} else {

set title "Use of stats command to find min/max/mean before plotting\nOne data column"

set style data line
set offset 0,0,.5,.5
set autoscale fix
set key left Left

stats 'orbital_elements.dat' index 1 using 2 prefix "A"

set arrow 1 from A_index_min, graph 0.1 to A_index_min, A_min fill
set arrow 2 from A_index_max, graph 0.9 to A_index_max, A_max fill
set label 1 at A_index_min, graph 0.1 "min" center offset 0,-1
set label 2 at A_index_max, graph 0.9 "max" center offset 0,1

plot 'orbital_elements.dat' index 1 using 0:2 title "  Data" lw 2, \
     A_mean title "  Mean"

Click here for minimal script to generate this plot

set title "Use of stats command to find min/max/mean before plotting\nTwo data columns"

f(x) = log(1+x)

stats 'orbital_elements.dat' index 1 using (f($0)):2 prefix "B"

set arrow 1 from B_pos_min_y, graph 0.1 to B_pos_min_y, B_min_y fill
set arrow 2 from B_pos_max_y, graph 0.9 to B_pos_max_y, B_max_y fill
set label 1 at B_pos_min_y, graph 0.1 "min" center offset 0,-1
set label 2 at B_pos_max_y, graph 0.9 "max" center offset 0,1

plot 'orbital_elements.dat' index 1 using (f($0)):2 title "  Data" lw 2, \
     B_mean_y title "  Mean", \
     B_slope * x + B_intercept title "Linear fit"

Click here for minimal script to generate this plot
