# # Illustrate uses of plotting with a watchpoint set # # if (!strstrt(GPVAL_COMPILE_OPTIONS, "+WATCHPOINTS")) { print "This copy of gnuplot does not support watchpoints" exit # return to caller } # watchpoints are only active on plots "with lines" or "with linespoints" # set style data lines set key left Left reverse title " " set border lw 1.2 set tics nomirror set y2tics 0.25 set link y2 set title "Find threshold values on a derived curve" plot 'moli3.dat' using 0:(abs($2)*sin($0/6.)**2) smooth cnormal lt -1 lw 2 \ watch y=.25 watch y=.50 watch y=.75 \ title "plot FOO smooth cnormal\n watch y=.25 watch y=.50 watch y=.75" set obj 1 rect from real(WATCH_1[1]), imag(WATCH_1[1]) to graph 2, graph -2 set obj 1 fs empty bo lc "red" set obj 2 rect from real(WATCH_2[1]), imag(WATCH_2[1]) to graph 2, graph -2 set obj 2 fs empty bo lc "blue" set obj 3 rect from real(WATCH_3[1]), imag(WATCH_3[1]) to graph 2, graph -2 set obj 3 fs empty bo lc "forest-green" replot show watchpoints |
set title "Same plot with auto-generated watchpoint hit labels" set style watchpoint label boxed set style textbox opaque margin 0,0 lw 0.5 replot |
set title "Find and mark intersection of two curves" set key right reverse Left unset link y2 set style watchpoint nolabel set grid set xrange [50:500] plot 'silver.dat' using 1:($2 - ($0+$3)) watch y=0.0 lt nodraw INTERSECT_X = WATCH_1[1] plot 'silver.dat' using 1:2, '' using 1:($0+$3) watch x=INTERSECT_X INTERSECT_Y = imag(WATCH_1[1]) show var INTERSECT set label 1 at INTERSECT_X, INTERSECT_Y point pt 6 ps 3 set arrow 1 from INTERSECT_X, 0.1*INTERSECT_Y to INTERSECT_X, 0.8*INTERSECT_Y noborder plot 'silver.dat' using 1:2 lw 2, '' using 1:($0+$3) lw 2, \ keyentry with point pt 6 lc "black" \ title sprintf("Intersection at [%.1f, %.1f]", INTERSECT_X, INTERSECT_Y) |
if (!strstrt(GPVAL_COMPILE_OPTIONS, "+LIBCERF")) { print "This copy of gnuplot does not support FresnelC, FresnelS" exit; } unset key set title "Find y intercepts of a parametric function" offset 0,-1 set xrange [-0.1 : 0.9] set yrange [ 0.0 : 0.85] set border 0 set xzeroaxis set yzeroaxis set xtics axis set ytics axis set sample 250 plot sample [t=-1:3.95] '+' using (FresnelC(t)) : (FresnelS(t)) with lines watch x=0.5 lt 3 show watchpoints set title "Intercept labels constructed from WATCH_1 array values" noenhanced set for [i=1:|WATCH_1|] label i at real(WATCH_1[i]), imag(WATCH_1[i]) set for [i=1:|WATCH_1|] label i point pt 7 ps 0.5 set for [i=1:|WATCH_1|] label i sprintf("Hit %d at y = %.4f",i,imag(WATCH_1[i])) replot |