| #
# Ethan A Merritt - Feb 2007
# This demo requires support for 'set object ellipse'
# Also it uses the file 'random.tmp' created by random.dem
if ((GPVAL_VERSION == 4.3 || GPVAL_VERSION == 4.2) \
print ">>> Skipping demo <<<\n" ; \
print "This copy of gnuplot was built without support for placing ellipses\n" ; \
exit ;
unset key
set xrange [-8:8]
set yrange [-8:8]
set size ratio 1.0
set zeroaxis
set border 0
set xtics axis
set ytics axis
set tics scale 0.5
set format xy ""
set title 'Example of `set object ellipse`'
set object 1 ellipse center 1.5,1.0 size 2.,4. angle 20. front fillstyle empty border -1
set obj 2 ellipse center 1.5, 1 size 6, 12 angle 20 front fs empty bo 3
A = pi/9.
plot 'random.tmp' using (1.5 + $1*cos(A)-2.*$2*sin(A)):(1.0 + $1*sin(A)+2.*$2*cos(A)) with dots
Click here for minimal script to generate this plot