| #
# Fresnel integrals expressed in terms of complex error function
# Should these be provided as built-in functions?
# Would it be better to use an implementation not requiring libcerf?
print "This copy of gnuplot was not linked against libcerf"
save_encoding = GPVAL_ENCODING
set encoding utf8
set title "{/:Bold Fresnel integrals C(z), S(z)}" offset 0,-1
set key reverse Left left invert
set for [l=1:3] linetype l lw 2
set border 3
set tics nomirror
set margins 10,10,4,4
set xrange [0:pi]
set yrange [0:1]
set ytics 0.0, 0.25, 0.75
plot cdawson(x), FresnelS(x), FresnelC(x), 0.5 lc "black" dt '...' notitle
Click here for minimal script to generate this plot