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gnuplot demo script: rectangle.dem

autogenerated by on Sun Feb 12 20:43:24 2012
gnuplot version gnuplot 4.6 patchlevel 0

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# demo for the use of "set object rectangle"
# Ethan A Merritt - 2006

if ((GPVAL_VERSION == 4.3 || GPVAL_VERSION == 4.2) \
    print ">>> Skipping demo <<<\n" ; \
    print "This copy of gnuplot was built without support for placing rectangles\n" ; \
    exit ;

set style line 1 bgnd
set style line 2 lt rgb "cyan"

set object 1 rect from 0,0 to 1,4 fc lt 2
set object 2 rect from -1,1 to 0,5 fc rgb "gold"
set object 5 rect from 0, -3 to 2, -2 fc ls 2 fs pattern 1 bo -1

set style fill pattern 2 bo 1

# Illustrate putting a different color under the key box
set key nobox
set object 7 rect from graph 0.65,graph 0.85 to graph 0.99, graph 0.99 fc ls 1

# Illustrate using character widths to put a box around a label
LABEL = "Label in a box"
set obj 10 rect at -3,-4 size char strlen(LABEL), char 1 
set obj 10 fillstyle empty border -1 front
set label 10 at -3,-4 LABEL front center

set obj 9 rect from -4, -4 to -4, -3 fc lt -1

set obj 20 rect from graph 0, graph 0 to graph 1, graph 1 fs solid 0.15 fc rgb "#FFD700" behind

plot [-5:5] x, -3+sin(x*5)/x lt 3 lw 3

Click here for minimal script to generate this plot

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# Requires data file "using.dat" from this directory,
# so change current working directory to this directory before running.

set xrange [1:8]
set title "Convex     November 1-7 1989"
set key below
set label "(Weekend)" at 5,25 center

set style rect fc lt -1 fs solid 0.15 noborder

set obj rect from 1, graph 0 to 2, graph 1
set obj rect from 3, graph 0 to 4, graph 1
set obj rect from 5, graph 0 to 6, graph 1
set obj rect from 7, graph 0 to 8, graph 1

plot 'using.dat' using 3:4 title "Logged in" with impulses,\
     'using.dat' using 3:5 t "Load average" with points,\
     'using.dat' using 3:6 t "%CPU used" with lines

Click here for minimal script to generate this plot

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          # unzoom rezoom zoom text ?