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gnuplot demo script: mgr.dem

autogenerated by on Fri Oct 28 21:17:14 2016
gnuplot version gnuplot 5.0 patchlevel 5
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# $Id: mgr.dem,v 1.10 2011/04/09 23:50:05 sfeam Exp $
print "Watch some  cubic splines"
set samples 50
set xlabel "Angle (deg)"
set ylabel "Amplitude"
set key box
set title "Bragg reflection -- Peak only"
plot "big_peak.dat" title "Rate" with errorbars, \
                 "" smooth csplines t "Rate"

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          # unzoom rezoom zoom text ?
set bars small
set bars large

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set samples 300
set xlabel "Time (sec)"
set ylabel "Rate"
set title "Ag 108 decay data"
plot "silver.dat" t "experimental" w errorb, \
               ""  smooth csplines t "cubic smooth"
# error is column 3; weight larger errors less
# start with rel error = 1/($3/$2)

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          # unzoom rezoom zoom text ?
plot "silver.dat" t "experimental" w errorb,\
               "" u 1:2:(S*$2/$3) smooth acsplines t "acspline Y/Z"

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          # unzoom rezoom zoom text ?
plot "silver.dat" t "rate" w errorb,\
               "" u 1:2:($2/($3*1.e1)) sm acs t "acspline Y/(Z*1.e1)",\
               "" u 1:2:($2/($3*1.e3)) sm acs t "         Y/(Z*1.e3)",\
               "" u 1:2:($2/($3*1.e5)) sm acs t "         Y/(Z*1.e5)"

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          # unzoom rezoom zoom text ?
set logscale y
set grid x y mx my

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          # unzoom rezoom zoom text ?
unset logscale y
plot "silver.dat" t "experimental" w errorb,\
               "" smooth sbezier t "bezier"

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          # unzoom rezoom zoom text ?
set logscale y
plot "silver.dat" t "rate" w errorb, \
               "" smooth sbezier t "bezier"

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          # unzoom rezoom zoom text ?
set samples 100
unset logscale
unset grid
set xlabel "Resistance [Ohm]"
set ylabel "Power [W]"
set title "UM1-Cell Power"
plot [0:50] "battery.dat" t "Power" with xyerrorbars, n(x) t "Theory" w lines

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          # unzoom rezoom zoom text ?
plot [0:50] "battery.dat" t "Power" with boxxy, n(x) t "Theory" w lines

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          # unzoom rezoom zoom text ?
plot [0:50] "battery.dat" u 1:2:3 t "Power" w xerr, n(x) t "Theory" w lines

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          # unzoom rezoom zoom text ?
plot [0:50] "battery.dat" u 1:2:4 t "Power" w yerr, n(x) t "Theory" w lines

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          # unzoom rezoom zoom text ?
set logscale y
plot [0:50] "battery.dat" u 1:2:4 t "Power" w yerr, n(x) t "Theory" w lines

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          # unzoom rezoom zoom text ?
set logscale xy
plot [1:50] "battery.dat" t "Power" w xyerr, n(x) t "Theory" w lines

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          # unzoom rezoom zoom text ?
unset logscale
set bars small
plot [0:50] "battery.dat" t "Power" with xyerrorbars, n(x) t "Theory" w lines

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          # unzoom rezoom zoom text ?
plot [0:50] "battery.dat" u 1:2:3 t "Power" w xerr, n(x) t "Theory" w lines

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