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gnuplot demo script: rugplot.dem

autogenerated by on Fri Oct 28 21:17:20 2016
gnuplot version gnuplot 5.0 patchlevel 5
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          # unzoom rezoom zoom text ?
# Demo of a Rug Plot
# The X and Y coordinates of each point are marked by a mark
# on the corresponding axis.
load ""

unset key
set bmargin at screen .2; 
set rmargin at screen .8; set lmargin at screen .2;
set offset .08, .08, .08, .08
set border lw 0.5

set title "Rug Plot" font ",24" offset 0,.5

set xtics out scale 3
set ytics out scale 3
plot $random every 15 using 1:2:xtic(""):ytic("") with points ps .5

Click here for minimal script to generate this plot