# set terminal canvas  rounded size 600,400 enhanced fsize 10 lw 1.6 fontscale 1 name "rgb_variable_1" jsdir "."
# set output 'rgb_variable.1.js'
unset border
set angles degrees
set arrow 1 from 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000 to 0.00000, 1.00000, 0.00000 nohead back nofilled linecolor rgb "red"  linewidth 3.000 dashtype solid
set arrow 2 from 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000 to 0.866025, -0.500000, 0.00000 nohead back nofilled linecolor rgb "green"  linewidth 3.000 dashtype solid
set arrow 3 from 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000 to -0.866025, -0.500000, 0.00000 nohead back nofilled linecolor rgb "blue"  linewidth 3.000 dashtype solid
set style data lines
unset xtics
unset ytics
unset ztics
set title "RGB color information read from data file" 
set xrange [ * : * ] noreverse writeback
set x2range [ * : * ] noreverse writeback
set yrange [ * : * ] noreverse writeback
set y2range [ * : * ] noreverse writeback
set zrange [ * : * ] noreverse writeback
set cbrange [ * : * ] noreverse writeback
set rrange [ * : * ] noreverse writeback
set lmargin  5
set bmargin  2
set rmargin  5
set colorbox vertical origin screen 0.9, 0.2 size screen 0.05, 0.6 front  noinvert bdefault
rgb(r,g,b) = int(r)*65536 + int(g)*256 + int(b)
xrgb(r,g,b) = (g-b)/255. * cos(30.)
yrgb(r,g,b) = r/255. - (g+b)/255. * sin(30.)
## Last datafile plotted: "rgb_variable.dat"
plot 'rgb_variable.dat' using (xrgb($1,$2,$3)):(yrgb($1,$2,$3)):(rgb($1,$2,$3))      with points pt 7 ps 4 lc rgb variable notitle