# set terminal svg size 600,400 dynamic enhanced fname 'arial'  fsize 10 mousing name "circles_4" butt solid 
# set output 'circles.4.svg'
unset border
unset key
set size ratio -1 1,1
set noxtics
set noytics
set title "Lena's key points" 
set yrange [ * : * ] reverse nowriteback
r = 0.01
types = 6
keyx = -137.0
keyy = -15.0
keyr = 25.0
i = 5
plot 'lena.rgb' binary array=(128,128) dx=4 dy=4 format='%uchar' with rgbimage,      'lena-keypoints.bin' binary format='%double' with circles lc rgb "yellow"