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gnuplot demo script: iterate.dem

autogenerated by on Mon Feb 10 15:16:29 2025
gnuplot version gnuplot 6.0 patchlevel 3alpha
set title "Iteration within plot command"
set xrange [0:3]
set label 1 "plot for [n=2:10] sin(x*n)/n" at graph .95, graph .92 right
plot for [n=2:10] sin(x*n)/n notitle lw (13-n)/2

Click here for minimal script to generate this plot


set title "Iteration over all available data in a file"
set view 38., 341.
unset xtics
unset ytics
unset ztics
set border 0
set lmargin at screen 0.09
set rmargin at screen 0.90
set key outside below samplen 0.6
set key title "splot for [scan=1:*] 'whale.dat' index scan"
set key maxrows 6
splot for [i=1:*] "whale.dat" index i title sprintf("scan %d",i) with lines

Click here for minimal script to generate this plot


# Dynamic reevaluation of iteration limits
# inner loop refers to the control variable of an outer loop
set key opaque box height 1 title "Dynamic iteration limits"
set title "plot for [i=1:4] for [k=i:i] for [j=1:k] 10*k + cos(j*x)"
plot for [i=1:4] for [k=i:i] for [j=1:k] 10*k + cos(j*x) lw j \
     title sprintf("k=%d  j=%d", i, j)

Click here for minimal script to generate this plot

# More iteration tests (no graph output)
print "\ndynamic reevaluation of numeric iteration limits"
array J[3] = [ 1, 4, 3 ]
print "\nJ =",J
Output = ""
print "do for [i=1:3] for [j=J[i]:3] { save(i,j) }"
do for [i=1:3] for [j=J[i]:3] { Output = Output . sprintf("%d-%d ",i,j) }
print Output

array J[3] = [ 4, 1, 3 ]
print "\nJ =",J
Output = ""
print "do for [i=1:3] for [j=J[i]:3] { save(i,j) }"
do for [i=1:3] for [j=J[i]:3] { Output = Output . sprintf("%d-%d ",i,j) }
print Output

print ""
Output = ""
print "do for [i=1:4] for [k=i:i] for [j=1:k] { save(i,j) }"
do for [i=1:4] for [k=i:i] for [j=1:k] { Output = Output . sprintf("%d-%d ",i,j) }
print Output

print "\ndynamic reevaluation of iteration string"

array A[3] = [ "a b", "", "d" ]
print "A = ", A

print 'do for [ i = 1:|A| ] { do for [ j in A[i]] { print "".i.": ".j }}'
Output = ""
do for [ i = 1:|A| ] { do for [ j in A[i]] { Output = Output."  ".i.": ".j }}
print Output

print 'do for [ i = 1:|A| ] for [ j in A[i]] { print "".i.": ".j }'
Output = ""
do for [ i = 1:|A| ] for [ j in A[i]] { Output = Output."  ".i.": ".j }
print Output
