Gnuplot Version 6.1 demos (SVG terminal)
See also the demo output for the PNG and canvas terminals.

Here are samples of SVG output from demos included with the gnuplot distribution. Note that individual plots can be toggled on/off by clicking on the corresponding key entry. Clicking in the plot area should turn on mouse-coordinate tracking.

Basic 2D plot styles

Math functions

Curve fitting


Line and Fill Styles

3D plots and surfaces

Volume plots

Hulls and Masks (new!)

Coordinate and
axis transforms

Binary and Image data

Heat Maps


Sample Applications

Text options

Page Layout

These plots were generated using
set term svg mouse size 600,400
Left click to enable mouse tracking
Drag with left mouse
Zoom with mouse wheel
Right click to reset plot
Click on the figure legend text to toggle plot elements on/off
Valid SVG 1.1

This page generated August 2024