[{<dummy-var>=}{{<min>}:{<max>}}] [{{<min>}:{<max>}}]
The first form applies to the independent variable (xrange or trange, if in parametric mode). The second form applies to the dependent variable yrange (and xrange, too, if in parametric mode). 5#5dummy-var6#6 is a new name for the independent variable. (The defaults may be changed with set dummy.) The optional 5#5min6#6 and 5#5max6#6 terms can be constant expressions or *.
In non-parametric mode, the order in which ranges must be given is xrange and yrange.
In parametric mode, the order for the plot command is trange, xrange, and yrange. The following plot command shows setting the trange to [-pi:pi], the xrange to [-1.3:1.3] and the yrange to [-1:1] for the duration of the graph:
plot [-pi:pi] [-1.3:1.3] [-1:1] sin(t),t**2
Note that the x2range and y2range cannot be specified here -- set x2range and set y2range must be used.
Ranges are interpreted in the order listed above for the appropriate mode. Once all those needed are specified, no further ones must be listed, but unneeded ones cannot be skipped -- use an empty range [] as a placeholder.
* can be used to allow autoscaling of either of min and max. See also
set autoscale (p. ).
Ranges specified on the plot or splot command line affect only that graph; use the set xrange, set yrange, etc., commands to change the default ranges for future graphs.
With time data, you must provide the range (in the same manner as the time
appears in the datafile) within quotes. gnuplot uses the timefmt string
to read the value -- see set timefmt (p. ).
This uses the current ranges:
plot cos(x)
This sets the x range only:
plot [-10:30] sin(pi*x)/(pi*x)
This is the same, but uses t as the dummy-variable:
plot [t = -10 :30] sin(pi*t)/(pi*t)
This sets both the x and y ranges:
plot [-pi:pi] [-3:3] tan(x), 1/x
This sets only the y range, and turns off autoscaling on both axes:
plot [ ] [-2:sin(5)*-8] sin(x)**besj0(x)
This sets xmax and ymin only:
plot [:200] [-pi:] exp(sin(x))
This sets the x range for a timeseries:
set timefmt "%d/%m/%y %H:%M" plot ["1/6/93 12:00":"5/6/93 12:00"] 'timedata.dat'