set style arrow <index> default set style arrow <index> {nohead | head | heads} {size <length>,<angle>{,<backangle>}} {filled | empty | nofilled} {front | back} { {linestyle | ls <line_style>} | {linetype | lt <line_type>} {linewidth | lw <line_width} } unset style arrow show style arrow
5#5index6#6 is an integer that identifies the arrowstyle.
If default is given all arrow style parameters are set to their default values.
If the linestyle 5#5index6#6 already exists, only the given parameters are changed while all others are preserved. If not, all undefined values are set to the default values.
Specifying nohead produces arrows drawn without a head -- a line segment. This gives you yet another way to draw a line segment on the plot. By default, arrows have one head. Specifying heads draws arrow heads on both ends of the line.
Head size can be controlled by size 5#5length6#6,5#5angle6#6 or
size 5#5length6#6,5#5angle6#6,5#5backangle6#6, where 5#5length6#6 defines length of each
branch of the arrow head and 5#5angle6#6 the angle (in degrees) they make with
the arrow. 5#5Length6#6 is in x-axis units; this can be changed by first,
second, graph, screen, or character before the 5#5length6#6; see
coordinates (p. ) for details. 5#5Backangle6#6 only takes effect when filled
or empty is also used. Then, 5#5backangle6#6 is the angle (in degrees) the
back branches make with the arrow (in the same direction as 5#5angle6#6).
The fig terminal has a restricted backangle function. It supports three
different angles. There are two thresholds: Below 70 degrees, the arrow head
gets an indented back angle. Above 110 degrees, the arrow head has an acute
back angle. Between these thresholds, the back line is straight.
Specifying filled produces filled arrow heads (if heads are used).
Filling is supported on filled-polygon capable terminals, see help of pm3d (p. )
for their list, otherwise the arrow heads are closed but not filled.
The same result (closed but not filled arrow head) is reached by specifying
empty. Further, filling and outline is obviously not supported on
terminals drawing arrows by their own specific routines, like metafont,
metapost, latex or tgif.
The line style may be selected from a user-defined list of line styles
(see set style line (p. )) or may be defined here by providing values for
5#5line_type6#6 (an index from the default list of styles) and/or
5#5line_width6#6 (which is a multiplier for the default width).
Note, however, that if a user-defined line style has been selected, its properties (type and width) cannot be altered merely by issuing another set style arrow command with the appropriate index and lt or lw.
If front is given, the arrows are written on top of the graphed data. If back is given (the default), the arrow is written underneath the graphed data. Using front will prevent a arrow from being obscured by dense data.
To draw an arrow without an arrow head and double width, use:
set style arrow 1 nohead lw 2 set arrow arrowstyle 1
See also `set arrow` for further examples.