./configure --disable-backwards-compatibility
Notice: Deprecated syntax items may be disabled permanently in future versions.
One major difference is the introduction of required keywords to disambiguate complicated commands. A notable issue was the use of bare numbers to specify offsets, line and point types. Illustrative examples:
set data linespoints plot <foo> 2 4
set style data linespoints plot <foo> linetype 2 pointtype 4
Another major compatibility issue is the interaction of the commands set size and set term 5#5foo6#6 size. In earlier versions of gnuplot the behaviour of various terminal types with respect to set size was very inconsistent. In the future, all terminals will behave the same way.
In version 4.2 most terminals follow the new convention (set size has no effect on the output canvas size). However, the png/gif/jpeg terminal still follows the older, deprecated behaviour unless you have configured with -disable-backwards-compatibility. In the next version of gnuplot all terminal types will follow the new convention. You are strongly advised not to use set size to control the size in pixels of png/gif/jpeg output files. Instead use set term png size 5#5XX6#6,5#5YY6#6.
Please see set size (p. ), set term size (p.
) and the documentation for
individual terminals.