Since gnuplot 4.0, unset 5#5something6#6 is preferred to set no5#5something6#6. The older form has been deprecated. Version 4.2 continues to allow the older syntax, but such backwards compatibility may be lost in future versions.
Commands of the form set 5#5something6#6 5#5style6#6 also are deprecated in favor
of the more general form set style 5#5something6#6 5#5options6#6. Many more plot
elements now have style options of their own, including arrows, filled
areas, lines, and points. There are also style settings for input data and
formatting. Please see set style (p. ), set decimalsign (p.
), and set datafile (p.
The MS Windows package includes an additional executable pgnuplot.exe to support piping command through standard input, which is otherwise not available for graphical applications on this system.